Mama Didn't Raise a Litter of Litterers
Posted March 4, 2023 at 05:52 am

So Gun, what've we got coming up for the next chapter?

- Psu

Surprises. And that's all I'll say!

No, I'll say it's actually gonna be a whole big thing... I want to especially thank the people who've posted theories over the years in the comments and on the Cassiopatreon and social media about where we're headed with all this meandering drama. Especially the ones who've guessed right! Although for obvious reasons, I can't tell you who you are... but you'll know!

The site will also get a bit of an update soon with new links and features, if anybody spots errors in the character tags or something just let me know.

By the way, if you haven't donated to earthquake relief yet and are interested, there's a Humble Bundle that'll give you a bunch of PC games and stuff while doing so! Check it out, Psu and I have.

- Gunwild

Tags: biter, ashley
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