The Covertest Operations
Posted June 18, 2017 at 11:12 pm

Every guest comic is canon, especially since I write most of them. But this one may be the canon-est.

- Gunwild

Just some short words today, thanks again to Brellom for helping us out and slipping in a guest strip. We had this planned for a bit and it looks nice. Anyway I doubt this'll be the last time you'll be seeing a guest strip slipping in. There are a number of occasions coming up in the near future where I'll be needing some backup filling things in. It helps me get stuff done around the house and with the family and stuff.

Anyway, I'll see you guys next week. We're getting very close to finishing this little chapter. I hope you've been enjoying seeing as much backstory as we have enjoyed drawing angry Kasmi panels.

- Psu

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