The Refreshing Beverage Known as Guacamole
Posted December 7, 2020 at 11:25 pm

It's really been a while, sorry Maddy. I know it seems like the only posts I have to talk about are how rough this year is. But it really can be when you're working on a continuing project like this. But I do have to thank you all for your help. And thanks for friends like Gunwild, that help find PlayStation 5s for other friends. So... ya know it's not all bad. And I've got a bunch of nieces and nephews to spoil for Christmas too.

- Psu

It's probably better to rip the ol' adhesive-bandage-of-indeterminate-brand off.

But you know what adhesive thing you'll never wanna rip off? Our giant-sized Cassiopeia Quinn Premium Stickers!

- Gunwild

I didn't work on this page, but it looks really good. And I want to thank you all for supporting my friends' comic, which they work really hard on. Wow, I remember thanking you all LAST Christmas-times too... I hope you're all doing well!

- Brellom

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