It's Gotta be the Shoes
Posted November 11, 2015 at 07:51 am

Freeglass made us this guest update because he is very nice. He also helps out on the art duties for our idols over at Blaster Nation. Please offer him your thanks and praise for helping with the "cut to commercials" gag! Or better yet, support his job on that comic over here.

It's no secret that we like Mystery Science Theater 3000 around here... okay we might not have actively mentioned it, but surely it's bled into the Cassiopeia experience somehow, right? The point is, there's a Kickstarter going down to bring it back for a limited run of new episodes with the ever-charming Joel Hodgson, who's finally got some control of the rights back after ever-so-long. What will that be like? Dunno! But if you're interested (and I think I am), check it out.

- Gunwild

While I'm not sure how much utility I would get out of rocket boots (walking is fast enough for me thank you very much) I certainly would look at an ad! Especially an ad featuring a rather benevolent outlaw! I wonder if magazines carrying this ad would be removed from various locales in the galaxy... Anyway, I love ya Freeglass! I'm happy you drew for me.

Seriously, thank you guys so much for reading and I'll be back soon. Fallout 4 can't last forever... can it?

- Psu

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