Roast Best
Posted December 23, 2018 at 05:12 am

I apologize for this page not really having a "punchline" or something. It's just a nice memory for me, working at a job people look down on, only to have some kid help you put it in perspective just enough to see the good parts of it...

Anyway, if you'd like to enjoy one of my Christmas traditions (the one which is free), you can read, watch, or listen to The Blue Carbuncle, the most Christmassy of Holmes stories.

- Gunwild

Merry Christmas everyone! My sister in law gave birth to my new nephew yesterday! Hopefully that kid doesn't have their birthday gifts lumped into one day too often...

- Psu

Whatever your holiday traditions are, regardless of whether you celebrate anything in particular this time of year; we hope you're doing okay. Stuff can be pretty tough sometimes, but we're incredibly thankful for all your support and readership. You help to make things just a bit better for us here.

Thank you for reading my friends' comic about space butts and stuff.

- Brellom

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