No Need for Bagels
Posted May 19, 2015 at 11:30 pm

This is another video game sale that'll be over soon, and probably nobody who reads this will jump on before it's gone... but the whole Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War series is on sale for 85% off. That's 85% off of $139.99, which I think is a pretty good deal. At least for me. I'm a complete mark for Warhammer 40,000. Plus, ten percent of the proceeds go to charity!

- Gunwild

If none of ya'll mind, I'm gonna take things a little easier now and catch up on a bunch of junk. Commissions, colored pages, concept art, something else that can start with "co?"

On the other hand, I'm looking forward to finishing Bloodborne, and jumping more into The House of Wolves. Videogame wise I'm loaded for weeks just with games that I own! And this is without buying something as expansive and impressive looking as The Witcher 3.

- Psu

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